ALL ROADS LEAD TO CLIVE BERGHOFER STADIUM this Saturday night for the Toowoomba Rugby League Grand Finals for all senior grades. Toowoomba Valleys RLFC will be well represented with 3 men’s teams competing for the ultimate prize. Valleys Under 19’s, Reserve Grade and the premier A Grade will all be playing for each grades top piece of silverware. The success this year and improvement in 2023 is largely due to the efforts of all coaching staff and trainers. Recruitment in the off season was strictly targeted towards dedicated players and individuals who in their own respective way will contribute to the club’s successful culture. A large number of Toowoomba Valleys Juniors have also returned in 2023 to add pride and passion to an already hugely prestigious and historical club. The 3 teams competing in Grand Finals this year is also the biggest representation of the Valleys Club on Grand Final day since 2011 when 4 grades were involved with 2 victories on the day. Special appreciation also must go to all of the Valleys Club’s generous sponsors and partners. The role of sponsors and partners in a successful club cannot be under estimated in any sense, as is always the case the club would not exist without their continued support. Event details are on our facebook page. Kick off Saturday starts at 1.00pm with the Under 19’s first up. A Grade will commence at 6.30pm. All Sponsors, Partners, supporters and family are all invited to the Federal Hotel after the games to share our season success with the players. Good luck to all Valleys teams on Saturday!!!